Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Beauty and the Beast

Lesley and Paul had a very special wedding on Saturday at the Four Seasons in downtown Boston. There was a buzz in the air that was due to more than just the wedding of these two great people. Lesley and Paul are pursuing a dream, and everyone seemed to be inspired by seeing these two take the leap: in just a few months they will leave corporate America to become safari guides in Africa... Of course we told them that we are packed and ready to shoot a destination wedding in the savannah!

We got to take one of the favors home... he is still waiting for a name (when we asked ollie what the fish's name was, Ollie said gleefully "Fish!"... then "MY Fish" when promped for something else... we're holding out for a real name. Fish came home a little tired and bleary eyed, but after a cheerio breakfast (no kidding) and a fresh bowl of de-chlorinated water he is bright eyed and bushy tailed. Tomorrow we're going to get him a bigger bowl and maybe a snail-friend.

Hmmm, we may have to name him BEAST!