We used the self timer and Matt decided to be obstinate and stand up for this one:
Here's Dana showing off her remarkable acrobatic skills:
Krista - affectionately known as "Green Kiki" to her niece and nephew - is leaving us. Get us a mop, because we're crying!!! Krista has been such a wonderful presence in our studio. She's provided inspiration, organization, instruction, advice both personal and professional, and lots of laughs, smiles & hugs. We're going to miss Krista, but she has in all honesty outgrown her job here. Krista's a fabulous photographer in her own right, and she is also dedicated to working in her ministry and mission photography. We can't wait to see what opportunities open up for her now that she's going solo!
Be sure to check out Krista's blog to read about her upcoming trip to Zimbabwe and other cool things!
Now on board as our new studio manager is Dana! All together now... Welcome Dana!
We knew Dana was our new studio manager from the moment she walked through the door. All of you are going to love her, we just know it!

We're super excited about our new studio intern program. Ami (on the left) and Sarah (on the right) are a wonderful addition to our team! Ami's been working on helping us to meet PR deadlines (like entering contests and remembering to submit favorite images to magazines for editorial use), and Sarah has been helping out with all sorts of errands in the studio. Both Sarah and Ami have chosen a personal photo project to work on under our advisement, and we're really looking forward to our monthly critiques with them!
They even got us to sit still for a couple of photos, but you can tell that Matt and I are not very comfortable on this side of the camera!!!